Besides a chair, bench or couch that you likely already have in your home, no additional equipment is necessary. A gym membership is not required either. You can complete this program from the comfort and privacy of your home. Many of the exercises within the guide can be completed using your bodyweight. However, certain exercises can be made more difficult by adding weights or resistance bands.

Each workout is simple and straightforward, consisting of 5 exercises to be performed 3x/week. Each workout should take no longer than 30 minutes.

The program is flexible to fit your lifestyle so you can pick which day and time works best for you to complete the workout.

You'll start feeling different after your very first workout. Working out gets the feel good endorphins pumping through your bloodstream. Over the weeks, you will start to become stronger and start to see physical changes, more defined muscles and toner body.
Ultimately, It’s about what you put into it to get out of the program. Your investment in yourself and your time. Even 5 minutes of performing the exercises will get you that much closer to achieving your dream physique. Quality > Quantity

By signing up for the program by Aug 9th, you'll be part of an exclusive group that will be working alongside you. You'll have access to a private Facebook group, be part of a group of like-minded individuals working on the same goal, holding you accountable, motivated, and supported to finish the program. Plus you'll have access to an expert trainer for times you feel down and want to quit. I'll be there holding your hand and guiding you through the 12 weeks 😉

The program is flexible to fit your lifestyle. If you need to take a break because other priorities get in the way, it's ok. Just make sure to jump back in when you can. The key with this program is staying consistent as much as you can to see the best results.

Absolutely! You have access to the PDF guide, where the prescribed workouts are listed as the weeks progress. Remember, the beauty of the program is that it's a guide. We all progress at different rates, whether that's quicker or slower, so you can adjust the guide to work in your favor. Whether you extend the program into a longer period of time 12+ weeks, or shorten the program to complete it faster than 12 weeks. Though 12 weeks is the recommended amount of time to complete the program.

Definitely! This program starts off with bodyweight exercises, but as the weeks progress and you find yourself getting stronger, you can start to add weights and resistance bands to applicable exercises to continue to develop your strength.